Schools Programme

Ride High also offers a programme for schools. Using horses and associated clubroom activities we are able to engage with children who find mainstream lessons and activities challenging.

About the programme

Our programme is structured in a way to deliver improvements in:

  • Speaking and listening
  • Self-control
  • Teamwork
  • Horsecare and riding
  • Participation


The programme promotes confidence and self-esteem which in turn enhances educational achievement and can help with the transition to the next stage of their application.

Ride High creates a targeted learning plan for each group depending on the children’s needs as identified by the school.

We typically see the following developments in our children/young people:

  • Improved communication skills.
  • Greater engagement in school activities.
  • Improved behaviour in and out of the classroom.
  • Improved peer relations.
  • Improved self-control and strategies for managing anger and emotional issues.
  • Improved positive mental health.
  • A willingness to challenge themselves and try new activities.
  • The ability to transfer new skills to different areas of their lives.

Evaluation, feedback and reporting

Ride High uses a  ‘well-being measure’ to measure the children’s wellbeing and progress. The areas of focus include

  • Emotional resilience
  • self-awareness and control
  • Relationships
  • Communication
  • Self-esteem and confidence
  • Contribution

The children’s work and activities are also evidenced using film, witness statements, photos and exemplar pieces of work. The work and evaluations are moderated regularly to ensure consistency.

Oral feedback to schools is available on a weekly basis and written reports on pupils’ achievements are provided at the end of each course. Ride High also ask for regular feedback from schools.


Programme length: one term course (usually 10-12 weeks) of 2 hour sessions

Group size: 8 children/young people within a 2-3 year age range

Timing: Groups attend during the school day at a time to suit the school timetable

Transport: available at additional cost.


Children and young people aged between 5 and 17. Can include, but are not limited to, those who are:

  • Disengaged or have poor attendance
  • Having difficulties at home or school
  • Struggling to integrate into school
  • Struggling with peer relationships or bullying
  • Lacking in confidence or have poor self-esteem.

The Ride High Programme is delivered by qualified teachers and experienced Clubroom Leaders and supported by volunteers. All workers receive regular safeguarding and first aid training and have DBS clearance. Health and Safety Policy and Risk Assessments are in place, as is Public Liability insurance. All the relevant policies can be found here.

Costs and sources of funding

As Ride High is a charity we are able to provide places at heavily discounted rates. Schools can use the pupil premium to cover the majority or all of the cost. Additional funding options include: Personal Education Allowance for Looked After Children (PEA); MK Strengthening Families Programme.

For more information please contact:

Sam Ball, Business Development Manager 


M: 01908 696169